1st - Peter Finn won £100.00 with 6/6!  This, despite having a (lagging) rating of just 1865. International Masters Peter Large and John Pigott finished on 5/6 and won £25.00 each.

You can check the full results here - https://chess-results.com/tnr589128.aspx?lan=1&art=0&turdet=YES&flag=30

The rating prizes (based on FIDE rapid ratings) were awarded as follows;

Under 1674 - Frankie Badacsonyi (1605) 5/6 won £50.00.

Under 1409 - Samvrit Subin (1361) 3.5/6 won £50.00.

Under 1284 - Oleg Verbytski (1280) won £50.00 for his score of 4/6.

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